10 Things Young People Need to Know About General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng | Vietcetera
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Jul 26, 2024

10 Things Young People Need to Know About General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng

Though he has passed away, his legacy and values remain with us as we continue to build a prosperous and strong Vietnam.
10 Things Young People Need to Know About General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng

Source: Chính Phủ

1. Inspirations

Many of General Secretary Nguyễn Phú Trọng's inspirations come from Pavel Korchagin, the protagonist in the novel "How the Steel Was Tempered" by Russian writer Nikolai Ostrovsky: "The most precious thing in a person's life is their life and honor because a person only lives once. Live so as not to regret wasted years and to avoid shame for petty and cowardly actions; so when one dies, they can proudly say: I have dedicated my life and energy to the noblest cause in the world – the struggle for national liberation, human liberation, and bringing happiness to the people."

2. Birthday

He is one of the oldest serving General Secretaries of the Party, born on April 14, 1944, in Hội Phụ commune, Đông Ngàn district, Bắc Ninh province (now Đông Hội commune, Đông Anh district, Hanoi). He turned 80 on April 14 this year.

3. Early Party Membership

He was one of the few admitted to the Party while still a fourth-year student in the Literature Department at Hanoi University. As an outstanding student, he wrote and defended his thesis on "The Flavor of Folk Songs in Tố Hữu's Poetry."

4. Career

After 24 years of work, from a university graduate working at the Journal of Studies (now the Communist Review) – including nearly 5 years studying at the Nguyễn Ái Quốc Central Party School and in the Soviet Union – he became the head of the Communist Review, equivalent to a ministerial position.

5. Education and Family

He graduated in literature from Hanoi University in 1967 and was assigned as an editor at the Journal of Studies. His family moved from Kim Liên collective quarter to the collective quarter of the Communist Review on Nguyễn Thượng Hiền Street, a French-style villa of over 100 square meters with shared facilities.

6. Humility and Simplicity

Known for his integrity, humility, and simplicity, he visited his high school, Nguyễn Gia Thiều, on its 70th anniversary in November 2020. Despite his high position, he respectfully asked to be called by his name and former student status.

7. Dual Leadership

He is the third Vietnamese (after Hồ Chí Minh and General Secretary Trường Chinh) to hold both the highest positions in the Party and the State. During his term as General Secretary XII, he also served as the President for half of the term.

8. Highest Academic Titles

He holds the highest academic titles among Party General Secretaries: Professor and Doctor of Political Science, specializing in Party Building. He was conferred the title of Associate Professor in 1992 and Professor in 2002. He has chaired many important Party documents and was first elected as General Secretary in January 2011, and re-elected in 2016 and 2021, making him the longest-serving General Secretary in the Party’s history.

9. Diplomatic Milestone

He was the first General Secretary to visit the U.S. in July 2015, meeting former President Barack Obama, marking a significant step in diplomatic and economic relations between the two countries.

10. Bamboo Diplomacy

Internationally, he is associated with the "bamboo diplomacy" approach – strong roots, firm stance, flexible branches – embodying the spirit and character of the nation. Under his leadership, Vietnam has established comprehensive strategic partnerships with 7 countries, strategic partnerships with 11 countries, and comprehensive partnerships with 13 countries, significantly advancing Vietnam's contemporary foreign policy.

Though he has passed away, his legacy and values remain with us as we continue to build a prosperous and strong Vietnam.

(Sources: Dân trí, Chính Phủ, and other information)