Thinking About Asking For A Raise? 5 Smart Questions To Consider | Vietcetera
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Feb 02, 2024

Thinking About Asking For A Raise? 5 Smart Questions To Consider

Negotiating a raise involves more than just your company; your contributions matter. Here are five essential questions for a successful negotiation.
Thinking About Asking For A Raise? 5 Smart Questions To Consider

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A raise isn’t just a moment when your progress is finally recognized; it’s also a milestone when your proactive request resonates with the company’s leadership. However, before making a request, try asking yourself the following questions to better understand yourself, thereby moving faster in your career development journey in general and job satisfaction in particular.

Negotiating a salary raise isn’t solely dependent on your company; your contributions play a crucial role in its success. It’s more than just a recognition of your progress; it marks a point where your proactive approach aligns with the company’s leadership. Before initiating the conversation, reflect on these questions to enhance your self-awareness, facilitating accelerated career development and job satisfaction.

‘Why Do I Need a Raise?’

Before proposing a raise to your boss, you need to identify the basic reasons to understand your personal needs first. Do you need a raise to keep up with inflation and ensure financial security in a volatile economic period? Or have you recently taken on additional responsibilities beyond your initial role??

If you’ve been presenting innovative solutions, demonstrating exceptional leadership, or contributing significantly to your colleagues’ success, it’s your time to shine during the next salary review.

When seeking a raise, your bosses need to understand why you deserve one. It’s not an interrogation but a communication for mutual understanding. The reasonableness of your answer becomes pivotal in determining your salary increase.

‘Is Now the Optimal Time to Request a Salary Increase?’

A survey conducted by the APD Research Institute reveals that individuals who switch jobs within the same industry often experience a nearly 5% salary increase, with even higher increments noted when transitioning to a different industry.

Nevertheless, economic downturns, such as the current scenario, have led to a gradual decline in the percentage of salary hikes over the past 12 months. Consequently, employees are now less inclined to change jobs, opting instead to remain with their current company for extended durations to enhance their chances of securing a raise.

In essence, strategic timing can significantly influence the success of your raise request. Seize “golden” moments, such as the company’s regular salary review period, successful project completion, or employment milestones (1, 2, 3 years, etc.).

Determining the right time to ask for a raise involves more than personal needs; it hinges on factors like market dynamics, the company’s business situation, and even your boss’ mood.

Source: Pexels

To ascertain if this is the opportune moment, delve into specific questions. Evaluate recent contributions, your confidence in these achievements, and whether your current salary aligns with the effort you’ve invested.

In cases where salary reviews are not part of the company’s routine (after six months or more), take the initiative to advocate for your benefits. The extent of a salary increase often correlates with your tenure and, more importantly, your understanding of the company’s products, services, and direction.

‘How Much Should I Aim for in Salary Increase?’

When contemplating a salary increase, aiming higher than inflation is often the initial consideration. However, experts suggest that this might not be the most rational approach.

To arrive at a suitable figure, two key factors should be taken into account. Firstly, look into the general growth rate within your market, particularly in your industry. This growth rate may vary by region, so it’s essential to understand both the local increase at your workplace and compare it with the broader regional context. This comparative analysis helps gauge whether the increase aligns with the inflation rate in your area.

Source: Pexels

Streamlining this process is Bamboo Careers, a salary lookup application offering insights into standard salaries and predictions of salary growth within your field.

Secondly, consider your individual contributions to the company. If you’ve demonstrated outstanding performance in completing assigned tasks, you can confidently negotiate a slightly higher salary.

For a specific reference point, Lindsay Mustain, a recruiter at Amazon, recommends proposing a minimum increase of 10%. Despite salary increases reaching a decade high, this ensures that the additional salary holds genuine significance rather than being just a nominal figure.

‘What Should I Do If My Salary Raise Request Gets Turned Down?’

In the event of a rejected salary raise request, consider exploring alternative benefits during the negotiation process. This could involve inquiring about other perks or non-monetary advantages the company may offer as an alternative to a direct salary increase.

If the request remains unsuccessful, the initial response should be one of gratitude. Maintaining a positive attitude is crucial; it ensures you leave a favorable impression as you return to your workspace, where you’ll still be interacting with colleagues the following day.

Source: Pexels

It’s essential to note that a rejection doesn’t imply a permanent setback in securing a raise. To improve your chances in the next salary review, seek feedback from your boss regarding the reasons for the rejection. Evaluate these reasons, keeping in mind that the issue may not solely be related to your performance but could be influenced by the company’s broader business situation.

Furthermore, seeking advice from colleagues and family members can provide fresh perspectives on your approach to securing a salary increase.

And the final question remains:

‘Do I Truly Desire a Salary Increase?’

Negotiating a salary raise is a skill that evolves over time. Amidst this journey, it’s crucial to occasionally shift the focus from “How much of a raise do I need?” to the fundamental question of whether a salary increase aligns with your current career trajectory.

A raise, at times, comes with added job pressure, reduced personal time, or tasks that may not align with your preferences. Consider your future aspirations; perhaps your future self prioritizes spending time with family over expanding career opportunities as you may desire right now.

Source: Pexels

Understanding the authentic motivation behind the desire for a raise is pivotal. Whether it’s to achieve financial goals, buy a house, own a car, or explore more experiences, pinpointing these motivations is essential. Once identified, question if a raise in your current job is the sole means to attain these goals. Could gaining more autonomy over your time be an alternative route for earning extra income beyond a traditional salary?

May your proactive approach to self-discovery and decision-making resonate with the company’s leadership.

Bamboo Careers, an app for salary lookup and salary increase advice, wishes to accompany you on the journey towards autonomy and finding meaning in your work.

With its artificial intelligence email drafting feature, the app will also provide labor market information to help you be more proactive in your career.