Vietnam Airlines Showcases Vietnamese Culture, Ethnic Groups In New Flight Safety Video | Vietcetera
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Aug 03, 2022

Vietnam Airlines Showcases Vietnamese Culture, Ethnic Groups In New Flight Safety Video

From August 2022, Vietnam Airlines will air the new safety instructions video on all domestic and international flights.
Vietnam Airlines Showcases Vietnamese Culture, Ethnic Groups In New Flight Safety Video

Vietnam Airlines' latest flight safety instruction film is filled with cinematic shoots. | Source: VNA

Do you remember the last time you paid full attention to safety instructions from the flight attendant in front of the aircraft? Probably not, because it’s definitely ages ago. While we all acknowledge the importance of watching these instructions intently, many of us check our phones or nap instead.

However, for passengers of Vietnam Airlines, the experience is different. Two years ago, the airline released a flight safety instruction video featuring flight attendants performing instructions using energetic choreographies instead of formal gestures and straight faces. It was applauded by both passengers and many in the aviation industry. Such a move was bold, but it was entertaining as it was informative.

Today, Vietnam's national flag carrier has taken its creativity to the next level with its latest cinematic safety video.

This time, you will not be instructed by flight attendants, but by Vietnamese people themselves. The new flight safety film is aimed to integrate and show all the strict guidelines and regulations with soft, youthful, artistic, and cultural footage of the Vietnamese ethnic groups.

Fasten your seatbelts at Pa Sy waterfall. | Source: VNA

Throughout the duration of the video, watchers are taken on a trip across Vietnam from North to South. Starting with Pu Luong terraces (Thanh Hoa) to Pa Sy waterfall (Kon Tum), the trip ends at Thap Muoi (Dong Thap), a place that is famous for lotus — the flower that represents Vietnam Airlines.

Passengers even have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Tay Nguyen gong culture. Regulations such as turning off electronic devices and putting luggage under your seats are integrated harmoniously into the scene, making it impossible for watchers to take their eyes off the screen. Some traditional dances like the Cheraw dance or fan dance are also featured in the video.

Tay Nguyen gong culture appears in the video. | Source: VNA

Twenty hours after its release, the video got an overwhelming response from the public. Currently, there are over 20,000 reactions, 1200 comments, and nearly 200.000 views on Vietnam Airlines’ official Facebook page. Locals complimented the airlines’ dedication to producing the video — from the idea, music, and costumes to execution.

Some said that this video not only makes it easier for travelers to understand regulations but is also a smart way to showcase Vietnamese people and culture to the world. In the comment section, Phan Q.D said, “Worthy of being the national airline!”

The flight safety instruction film ends with the image of Vietnam Airlines' symbol - lotus. | Source: VNA

According to Vietnam Airlines, through the flight safety instruction film, they wish to introduce the tourism potential, the beauty of the country, and the Vietnamese people, thereby contributing to promoting domestic and international tourism.

At the same time, the airline affirms its efforts to constantly improve the flight experience with breakthrough, modern, youthful changes that are still imbued with national identity.