Flavors Vietnam 2023: 5 Things To Get Excited About | Vietcetera
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Flavors Vietnam 2023: 5 Things To Get Excited About

We’re only a week away from the official launch of Flavors Vietnam 2023!
Flavors Vietnam 2023: 5 Things To Get Excited About

Flavors Vietnam 2023 is coming!

Sponsors of Flavors Vietnam 2023

Flavors Vietnam, a partnership between Vietcetera and Mastercard, has now become an institution in its own right — a cultural and business platform for the fast-evolving food and beverage industry.

Together with award-winning industry leaders, budding culinary talents, and partners who see the potential of the F&B scene to grow bigger and reach further, Vietcetera aims to continue developing Flavors Vietnam into a regional and global program in the years to come.

Vietnam Food & Beverage Conference 2022 | Source: Vietcetera

Well-received events, such as the #BanhMiAwards, Vietnam Food & Beverage Conference, Rising Chefs Challenge, and the Restaurant and Bar Weeks, are set to offer grander opportunities and priceless experiences this year, plus more exclusive promotions for participants.

Are you ready for Flavors Vietnam 2023?

We’re taking it to the next level

The theme of this year’s Flavors Vietnam is profoundly symbolic of the local F&B community’s enormous potential: “Taking Vietnam’s Food & Beverage Industry To The Next Level.” Having survived tough times and marked monumental feats, Vietnam’s F&B industry is now ready to take that giant leap toward regional and international supremacy.

The Flavors Vietnam program aims to set the stage for industry players, partners, and customers to come together for a three-month series of exciting gastronomic activities and constructive industry insights.

Source: Vietcetera

Bigger, longer events

We said Flavors Vietnam 2022 was the biggest celebration of Vietnam’s F&B industry — and it was true — but this year’s event is even BIGGER in scale. From reaching only two cities last year, we’re also bringing the program to the gleaming central city of Danang. Located midway between Hanoi and Saigon, Danang boasts its own set of culinary specialties. Mì Quảng, anyone?

We’re also welcoming more new merchants to join us for the Restaurant and Bar Weeks, giving participants more options and flavors in their dining experiences. And yes, we’re holding these two delectable events for two weeks to provide you with more time to visit and try your favorite dining and drinking spots.

Source: Vietcetera

Spotlight on 24-hour dining

Dining in Vietnam doesn’t stop. As a matter of fact, more culinary delights are on offer from dusk. This year, we highlight the country's flavorsome and vibrant 24-hour dining experience — and how the dining scene transforms from sunrise to sunset.

Stay tuned for our feature stories on the best spots for a hearty brunch or where to satisfy midnight food cravings.

More audiences, broader reach

Vietcetera VIP Diner at Ngoam, Hanoi | Source: Vietcetera

Vietnam is seeing new generations of diners: Millennials, Gen Zs, and HENRYs. The growing number of customers from these demographic groups means new demands and more opportunities for the industry. More exposed to social media and foreign influences, today’s young consumers are more discerning when it comes to what they like in their food and drink, pushing industry players to test out new trends and offer never-before-seen culinary innovations.

By introducing broader audiences to this year’s program, we aim to help build a balanced relationship between consumers and industry players, and see how these two can further elevate the local F&B scene.

Future forward F&B experience

Source: Vietcetera

Last year’s program was more about how we all survived the crippling pandemic as we celebrated the resilience of the whole F&B industry. Now that we’ve gone past that (bringing valuable learnings to navigate future challenges), we look forward to what’s ahead: new trends, new concepts, new places, more opportunities, and more global recognitions.

We’re also excited about the most-awaited arrival of the Michelin Guide in June 2023 in Hanoi and Saigon to honor the fascinating food heritage and history that make Vietnam an exciting culinary destination.

We can’t wait to witness and experience the future innovations of Vietnam’s award-winning chefs and bartenders, who will shape and influence future trends and advancements in the F&B industry.

Flavors Vietnam is just the beginning.

Flavors Vietnam, a partnership between Vietcetera and Mastercard, has now become an institution in its own right — a cultural and business platform for the fast-evolving food and beverage industry.

Together with award-winning industry leaders, budding culinary talents, and partners who see the potential of the F&B scene to grow bigger and reach further, Vietcetera aims to continue developing Flavors Vietnam into a regional and global program in the years to come.

Well-received events, such as the #BanhMiAwards, Vietnam Food & Beverage Conference, Rising Chefs Challenge, and the Restaurant and Bar Weeks, are set to offer grander opportunities and experiences this year, plus more exclusive promotions for participants.