Get Ready for CMS Seoul 2024: Exploring the Future of Content Marketing | Vietcetera
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Aug 19, 2024

Get Ready for CMS Seoul 2024: Exploring the Future of Content Marketing

This year’s summit will bring together a diverse group of industry leaders, and innovators to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the future of content marketing.
Get Ready for CMS Seoul 2024: Exploring the Future of Content Marketing

Source: Content Marketing Summit.

The Content Marketing Summit (CMS) 2024, set to take place in Seoul, is poised to be one of the most significant events of the year for professionals and enthusiasts in the content marketing industry.

This year’s summit will bring together a diverse group of industry leaders, innovators, and strategists to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities shaping the future of content marketing.

A Glimpse into CMS 2024

The CMS 2024 lineup includes some of the most influential voices in the industry. Among the headline speakers is Greg Hoffman, former Chief Marketing Officer at Nike, who will be sharing insights from his book 'Emotion by Design.'

Hoffman's expertise in brand storytelling and emotional marketing is expected to provide valuable lessons for brands looking to connect more deeply with their audiences.

Another noteworthy session will be led by Alan Michael Blassberg, Senior Producer and Director of New Media, who has worked with popular content creator MrBeast. Blassberg will delve into the nuances of producing content that resonates with today's digital audiences, particularly within the fast-paced world of new media and digital platforms.

The summit will also feature talks from key figures in various industries, including Shim Kyu-cheol, Managing Director of Nongshim, and Jang Ho-gi, Producer of Netflix's Physical 100.

These sessions will offer diverse perspectives on how content marketing can be leveraged across different sectors and platforms.

Source: Content Marketing Summit.

Spotlight Sessions

Driving Conversations for Gen Alpha

One of the key sessions at CMS 2024 will focus on the emerging Generation Alpha, the cohort born between 2010 and 2025. This generation is unique, having been exposed to remote classrooms, streaming services, and portable digital devices from early childhood.

As a result, they represent a new frontier for digital marketers who must adapt their strategies to engage with these digital natives effectively.

Driving Conversations: A New Look at Digital Strategy for Gen Alpha

This session will particularly focus on the growing trend of discussion-based user-generated content, which is beginning to outpace traditional photo and video content in terms of engagement.

Recent studies show that short-form video content is now the dominant format, particularly among younger audiences. This shift is driven by the higher viewership and shareability of short-form videos, making them a crucial component of any content strategy aimed at Gen Alpha.

However, the real value lies in how these videos spark discussions and engagement, turning passive viewers into active participants.

Strategic Takeaways for Brands

For brands looking to connect with Gen Alpha, the session will provide actionable insights on how to create content that not only entertains but also fosters a community around shared interests and discussions.

This requires a deep understanding of the platforms Gen Alpha frequents and the type of content that resonates with them.

The importance of authenticity and relatability in content will also be emphasized. Gen Alpha values transparency and genuine connections, making it crucial for brands to engage in conversations rather than just broadcasting messages.

This means creating content that invites interaction, whether through comments, shares, or user-generated content.

Source: Content Marketing Summit.

Why Attend CMS 2024?

CMS 2024 offers an unparalleled opportunity to gain insights from some of the leading minds in content marketing. Whether you are a seasoned marketer or new to the industry, the summit will provide valuable knowledge and strategies to enhance your content marketing efforts.

The session on Gen Alpha’s digital habits is particularly relevant for those looking to future-proof their marketing strategies. Understanding this generation's unique characteristics and preferences will be key to staying ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Join the Conversation

The session on “Driving Conversations: A New Look at Digital Strategy for Gen Alpha” will take place on September 10 in the late afternoon. Attendees are encouraged to join and take part in this critical discussion on the future of digital marketing. The Vietcetera team will also be present at the summit, offering a chance to connect and network with industry peers.

Source: Content Marketing Summit.

Don’t miss this opportunity to stay at the forefront of content marketing trends and learn how to engage with the next generation of consumers.