Loyal District and The Fashion of Uniforms

Loyal District stands out by integrating fashion elements into uniforms. Instead of basic, boring uniforms, they creates aesthetically pleasing designs, akin to fashion collections.
Yui Nguyen
Tran Thanh Nhan (left), Founder and CEO of Loyal District, and Tran Minh Tan (right), the company's Creative Director. Source: Khooa Nguyen for Vietcetera.

Tran Thanh Nhan (left), Founder and CEO of Loyal District, and Tran Minh Tan (right), the company's Creative Director. Source: Khooa Nguyen for Vietcetera.

In this episode of Vietnam Innovators, we had the pleasure of speaking with Tran Thanh Nhan, founder and CEO of Loyal District, and Tran Minh Tan, the company's Creative Director. They shared their journey of creativity and innovation in the uniform design industry, a field often seen as conservative and unchanging.

A passion for fashion and the fashion of uniforms

Loyal District's story began with Tran Thanh Nhan's passion for fashion. Influenced by her mother's tailoring work from a young age, Nhan developed a love for fabric and design. After studying and experiencing the fashion world abroad, she returned to Vietnam to start her career.

Initially, she created a local brand specializing in t-shirts called "The Incomplete," with the idea that people shouldn't strive for perfection. From this venture, the first uniform orders started coming in, opening new opportunities for Nhan and leading to the founding of Loyal District.

Loyal District stands out by integrating fashion elements into uniforms. Instead of basic, boring uniforms, Loyal District creates aesthetically pleasing designs, akin to fashion collections. This approach not only enhances the value of uniforms but also boosts the confidence and comfort of the wearers.

The company specializes in designing and manufacturing uniforms for various sectors, including hospitality, healthcare, and corporate environments. By focusing on both functionality and style, Loyal District aims to redefine what uniforms can be.

Tran Thanh Nhan explained, "We aim to incorporate the breath of fashion into uniforms, making everything more aesthetic and elevating the industry to a new level."

Uniform can change, too

Nhan and Tan also discussed the challenges of convincing clients to embrace new designs. This process isn't easy and typically takes 2-3 months per project. However, by offering multiple design options and illustrating their ideas with specific photoshoots, Loyal District has gradually changed clients' perceptions.

Tan mentioned, "The biggest challenge is to persuade clients to accept these new changes in uniform design thinking. It’s a long process, but we always find ways to convince them to choose more fashionable options."

Loyal District plans to expand beyond the hospitality sector into other fields, including healthcare. Nhan shared her vision of opening experiential and retail stores where customers can freely choose uniforms that suit them, thereby enhancing their experience and satisfaction.

"We want to normalize the concept of fashionable uniforms in daily life, much like how it's done abroad," Nhan said. "Our future direction includes setting up stores where clients can select uniforms that fit their style and preferences."

An advise on priority

With over six years of experience in starting and running a business, Nhan offered valuable advice for women considering entrepreneurship. She emphasized the importance of knowing how to prioritize at different stages of life and trusting in one's team.

"In every stage of life, you need to know what to prioritize," Nhan advised. "It's essential to trust your team and give them the confidence that they are indispensable and capable of achieving the best results."

This episode of Vietnam Innovators provided fresh insights into uniform design, from Tran Thanh Nhan's entrepreneurial story to Loyal District's innovative strategies. It serves as a great inspiration for anyone passionate about fashion and looking to change the ordinary aspects of everyday life.

As Nhan beautifully put it, "We aim to incorporate the breath of fashion into uniforms, making everything more aesthetic and elevating the industry to a new level."

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