We are currently seeking new talent & new engergy of Front-end Developer Interns to join our team!
Our tech stacks: React & Next.js as a framework for server side rendering
Ideal candidate is a team player and a quick learner with excellent communication, who is also able to work independently. And of course you will be trained and take part in development product's features.
Strong command of the English language is preferred
Your resume/portfolio is on our list. We shall contact you to get more details.STEP 2: SKILLS TEST (OPTIONAL)
Skill test might be required with technical-related position.STEP 3: INTERVIEW
We conduct interviews to get to know you better.STEP 4: OFFER
You're almost there. Offer package is released!STEP 5: ONBOARDING
Welcome to the team! You are now one of us and ready for the new challenge.