Sep 19, 2024Enterprise

Flavors Conference 2024: The Future Of Vietnam’s F&B Industry​

The Flavors Food & Beverage Conference 2024 kicked off an exciting season for Vietnam’s F&B sector.
Hao Tran
Source: Khooa Nguyen for Vietcetera

Source: Khooa Nguyen for Vietcetera

Flavors Food & Beverage Conference 2024 kicked off an exciting season for Vietnam’s F&B sector, and the program will continue with even more action-packed events in December.

This includes the highly anticipated Restaurant Month and the newly introduced Flavors Festival, which will be hosted in central Ho Chi Minh City and is expected to draw up to 15,000 visitors over two days.

Additionally, the fifth edition of the annual Banh Mi Awards, now known as the Restaurant & Bar Awards, will introduce new categories, including the debut of the Flavors 100 List—a curated selection of venues that Vietcetera editors and audiences have come to love.

Keynote: How To Change The World With Pizza?

Yosuke and Sanae Masuko, co-founders of Pizza 4P’s, opened the conference with their inspiring keynote, “How to Change the World with Pizza?” They shared how their passion for pizza evolved into a movement that promotes sustainability, community engagement, and happiness.

Their talk highlighted Pizza 4P’s efforts in digital transformation and green practices that not only create delicious food but also foster positive societal impact. Just a few days before this conference, the Masukos had also inspired a crowd at Vietcetera’s Goes Abroad event in Tokyo, where they engaged with Vietnamese professionals and Japanese investors looking to explore opportunities in Vietnam’s growing F&B market.

Keynote: A Recipe For Growth

Thue Quist Thomasen, CEO of Decision Lab, followed with a keynote on Vietnam’s resilient F&B sector amidst economic uncertainty.

His talk, titled “A Recipe for Growth,” explored how businesses can thrive by adapting to emerging consumer trends and responding to market shifts. Thue stressed the importance of staying agile and understanding the rapidly changing preferences of younger consumers, particularly in a digital-first environment.

Panel Discussion: Customer-Driven Trends

The first panel of the day, moderated by Niklas Wagner from New World Saigon, brought together Hoai Anh Pham of Vero and Thanh Cao Nguyen of Decision Lab to discuss the evolving consumer trends shaping Vietnam’s F&B market.

They emphasized the impact of a growing middle class and the rise of Gen Z, with a focus on how businesses need to adapt their communication strategies to meet the expectations of increasingly savvy consumers.

Panel Discussion: Global Expansion

The “Global Expansion” panel provided insights into how Vietnamese F&B brands are making their mark internationally.

The discussion featured Nguyen Trung Dung of Dh Foods, John Pemberton of Heart of Darkness Brewery, and Hannah Jefferys of Saigon Cider, who shared their experiences navigating the complexities of market entry, supply chain management, and building a global brand. The session underscored the growing global potential for Vietnamese F&B brands and highlighted the challenges they face as they scale.

Panel Discussion: Vietnam’s Culinary Scene Through the Lens of Food Explorers

This panel featured content creators like Sonny Side from The Best Ever Food Review Show, Andrew Fraser, and Calvin Bui, co-host of BEFRS and CEO of the BIG CTY LIFE restaurant group, which includes Mâm Mâm and CTY Kitchen + Bar.

The trio shared their unique insights into the culinary scene of Vietnam, offering perspectives on why Vietnamese food is increasingly competitive on a global scale. They emphasized how storytelling through content creation plays a key role in bringing international attention to Vietnam’s vibrant food culture.

Track 1 Breakout Sessions: Sustainability, Food Tech, and Operational Innovation

The afternoon featured several breakout sessions covering critical topics like sustainability and innovation:

  • Breakout Session 1: Sustainable Practices focused on Vietnam’s green transformation in the F&B sector. Panelists, including Devyn van Niekerk from Meliá Hotels International and Summer Le from Nén Danang, shared strategies for reducing food waste and adopting sustainable sourcing practices.
  • Breakout Session 2: Food Tech Frontiers brought together tech innovators like Tony Nguyen from CloudEats and Taku Tanaka from Kamereo, who discussed how technology is enhancing operational efficiency and sustainability in the F&B sector.
  • Breakout Session 3: Operations & Innovations delved into how businesses are streamlining operations while keeping creativity at the forefront. Adrian Chong Yen from Sol Kitchen & Bar and Hưng Nguyễn from S’mores Saigon Caffè shared insights into optimizing operations without sacrificing unique customer experiences.

Track 2 Breakout Sessions: Funding, Collaboration and Marketing

  • Breakout Session 4: The “Funding Strategies” session provided practical advice on securing investment in a competitive market. Speakers like Shuyin Tang from Beacon Fund and Quan Ho from Vua Cua highlighted the importance of aligning business goals with investor expectations, offering valuable tips for F&B businesses seeking to expand.
  • Breakout Session 5: The Role Of Collaboration In F&B Growth. This session delved into the key factors that contribute to effective partnerships, explore real-world case studies, and discuss the role of industry association in fostering collaboration with the voices of Hung Nguyen Canh from Bosgaurus Coffee Roasters and Bosgaurus Academy; Minh Chu from HTS Group; Asif Mehrudeen from Chickita; Jack Nguyen from Incorp and moderated by Roland Nguyen from Kamereo.
  • Keynote: Craving Connections – How Social Media is Fueling F&B Growth. Thuy Dinh from Buzzmetrics delivered the final keynote on the power of social media in driving growth for F&B brands. She explored the role of platforms like TikTok in shaping consumer behavior and offered insights into how businesses can leverage social media to build stronger connections with their audiences.
  • Breakout Session 6: The last session “Marketing & Buzz Stories” of the day focused on the secrets behind successful marketing strategies in the F&B sector. Nguyễn Hà Linh from Bếp Thái Koh Yam and Phat Tran from TikTok Vietnam discussed how to create viral content, optimize marketing performance, and build sustainable brand concepts that resonate with today’s digital-first consumers.

Closing & Networking

The conference concluded with a networking session that allowed attendees to connect, share ideas, and explore potential partnerships. As the Flavors Food & Beverage Conference 2024 wrapped up, participants left with new insights, strategies, and connections to navigate the future of Vietnam’s F&B industry.

Looking ahead, the excitement continues in December with the return of Restaurant Month and the debut of the Flavors Festival, expected to attract 15,000 visitors. The fifth edition of the Banh Mi Awards will introduce new categories, including the first-ever Flavors 100 List, showcasing the venues that Vietcetera editors and the audience have come to love.

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