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Search Articles - mental health | Vietcetera

Talking About Mental Health At A Distance: What Do International Students Wish Their Parents Knew?

Talking About Mental Health At A Distance: What Do International Students Wish Their Parents Knew?

themselves maintain their own mental health,” Dr. The trade-off to such a remarkable opportunity is an increased risk of experiencing poor mental health An estimate by the National Institute of Mental Health indicates that the incidence of students having So what can parents actively do to be better allies with children who have mental health concerns? Key drivers of poor mental health vary from homesickness and culture shock, language barriers, to experiences
Vietnam War Veterans Still Suffering From Psychological Distress Nearly 50 Years Since War Ended

Vietnam War Veterans Still Suffering From Psychological Distress Nearly 50 Years Since War Ended

To get a clear picture of the mental health conditions of Vietnam War veterans, the data collected were “These results may underestimate the mental health burden of Vietnam-theater veterans,” noted Davey. “The Vietnam War continues to have negative effects on Veterans’ mental health, particularly for those “Those at greatest risk for poor mental health may have already died, or maybe homeless or incarcerated A separate analysis reiterated that the link between race/ethnicity, level of service, and mental health
Mental Health In Vietnam: Tricia Nguyen's Raising Awareness With Art

Mental Health In Vietnam: Tricia Nguyen's Raising Awareness With Art

and schizophrenia in Vietnam, with 45 mental healthcare facilities nationwide, but patients are “crowded Very few countries are paragons of virtue for mental health care. “Psychiatry and mental health professionals are hard to find here. Here in Vietnam, language seems to reflect perceptions of mental health. Tricia Nguyen is using art to raise awareness of mental health in Vietnam with her Wintercearig exhibitions
Asia’s Gen Z: The Future Of Work In Mental Health Crisis

Asia’s Gen Z: The Future Of Work In Mental Health Crisis

Employees who work at companies that provide mental health support are more productive and 3.5 times “The decline in stigma around mental health issues does factor into this improving sense of well-being Only 13% of Gen Z globally say they are flourishing at the pinnacle of mental health, with the proportion The decreasing stigma surrounding mental health is also a positive factor, with 36% of respondents acknowledging health.
COVID-19 Lockdown And How It’s Taking A Toll On Youth Mental Health

COVID-19 Lockdown And How It’s Taking A Toll On Youth Mental Health

found themselves to be opening up about their mental health to loved ones. So it's very comforting for my mental health to know that I have such a big support system around me. COVID silver lining: More open conversations about mental health Being in the same situation, many have “There have been many highs and lows so I can’t conclude whether it’s definitely improved my mental health health, especially among the young.
Elevating Youth Discussion Around Gender Equality

Elevating Youth Discussion Around Gender Equality

Low societal awareness around the importance of mental health, disparities in access to mental health Aside from mental health, AASYP delegates highlight insufficient access and awareness about reproductive health and climate change. health services across the region. In the wake of COVID-19, the new generation has been upended: from the changing nature of work to mental
Mental Health In The Workplace: How Vietnamese Companies Are Taking Care Of Their Employees

Mental Health In The Workplace: How Vietnamese Companies Are Taking Care Of Their Employees

“This has had a positive impact on their mental health,” adds Abhishek. And even after COVID-19, attention to conversations surrounding mental health will be essential. Initiating yoga sessions among team members is a big step in promoting their mental health. | Source: Stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues compound this problem, leaving people less engaged, focused health” is not commonly stipulated in employment contracts, it has become, in one way or another, an
How the Loneliness Epidemic Evaded Psychologists

How the Loneliness Epidemic Evaded Psychologists

Why has it taken so long for loneliness to be discovered by mental health professionals? Murthy declared that "Mental health is the defining public health crisis of our time, and for many Americans health. health professionals? an important question needs to be asked: Why has it taken so long for loneliness to be discovered by mental
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