Yêu Lành: When Faith Carves The Path, Success Will Follow | Vietcetera
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Aug 26, 2024

Yêu Lành: When Faith Carves The Path, Success Will Follow

"After seeing Hào's paintings, I boldly brushed aside all the slander, sarcasm, and judgment, and decided to hang them up in the first exhibition."
Yêu Lành: When Faith Carves The Path, Success Will Follow

Source: Khooa Nguyen for Vietcetera

Watching Yêu Lành season 4 reminded me of a book I read long ago. In the story, a wife refused to believe her husband had died in war and spent over 30 years wandering in Tibet, searching for him. When asked why she kept going, she simply replied, “For love.”

Though Xuân Phượng did not venture through treacherous lands for decades, she too spent much of her life dedicated to a different kind of love - her love for art. Her journey is defined by her driving belief, "As long as you have faith, 'carve it…it will come,'".

This motto also titles her newly released book, Khắc đi… khắc đến (loosely translated: Carve it… it will come), which tells the story of her persistent trust in herself, in the young artists she supported, and in her mission to bring Vietnamese culture to the world through the Lotus Gallery.

Awakening Faith In A Forgotten Corner Of The Exhibition

What sets season 4 of Yêu Lành podcast apart is Xuân Phượng’s choice to center the conversation around a painting she holds dear. For this episode, she selected a self-portrait by artist Trương Đình Hào - a piece that symbolizes her belief in herself, in art, and in the goodness of life.

Over 30 years ago, Xuân Phượng discovered Hào's paintings while looking for works for her art gallery. The moment she laid eyes on them, she felt an undeniable pull. The bold strokes, the dynamic play of color, the mix of Dó paper and crumpled newspaper—something in them sent shivers down her spine.

That meeting began her journey to gather over 4,000 of Hào's paintings | Source: Khooa Nguyen for Vietcetera

Without hesitation, she used all her capital to purchase his works, despite the naysayers. She showed them at Lotus Gallery's inaugural exhibition, adamant about her decision.

As if to affirm her conviction, almost all of Hào's paintings sold out on the opening day. It was a quiet victory, proving her faith had not been misplaced.

Through this story, Xuân Phượng hopes to inspire the younger generation: if you have passion and ambition, trust your instincts and take the leap.

No matter how challenging it gets, keep taking even the smallest steps, because “Carve it… it will come” | Source: Khooa Nguyen for Vietcetera

A Third Century To Prove A Belief

Life is not always about hitting the jackpot. Sadly, more than 20 years later, Hào's paintings were almost unsold. Yet, she regularly traveled from Hanoi to Bac Giang, Hào’s hometown, every 6 months to buy his paintings. When the gallery's funds were running low, she even used her own money, believing that one day his work would get the attention it deserved.

That day finally came in 2014. A customer expressed interest in purchasing Hào’s paintings for a famous museum in France. The exhibition showcased 118 of his works and over 70 pieces were sold. In that moment, Xuân Phượng’s decades of patience and faith were vindicated.

When asked how she could foresee Hào’s eventual success, she admitted she couldn’t fully explain it. Her motivation had always originated from a strong belief in her artistic taste, Hào's talent, and the rightness of her acts.

When There Is A Will, There Is A Way

Xuân Phượng chose Trương Đình Hào’s self-portrait to represent faith because she saw a reflection of herself in it. When he painted it, Hào was in despair, but he never stopped. To him, art was a way to capture and confront his suffering - a strong declaration that no matter how painful life became, he would not lay down his brush.

The self-portrait Ms. Xuan Phuong referred to was drawn by Mr. Hao on a crumpled newspaper. It captures the deep loneliness of feeling misunderstood, filled with countless questions: "Why must I be a prisoner in this life?" | Source: Lotus Gallery

Xuân Phượng also experienced numerous challenges. Building the gallery was not a smooth road. She had restless nights, borrowing money at high interest rates just to pay bills. Paintings piled up unsold in her home, and worse still, she experienced the heartbreak of seeing her studio burnt to ashes in a fire.

But at those chaotic moments, when her faith faltered under the weight of reality, it was the support of her close companions that kept her going. They shared her vision and stood by her side when everything seemed uncertain.

Xuân Phượng spent her youth believing in Vietnam’s independence, and in her later years, she channeled that same belief into her mission to elevate Vietnamese culture on the world stage.

She never wavered in her belief that exceptional artists deserved to be seen, and when she looks back on her life, she stays firm. She believes that if we hold on to our dreams and refuse to give up, we will eventually arrive at our intended destinations and meet the people who can help us along the road.