May 14, 2022Life

Made From Down Under: Vietnamese Consumers’ Growing Interest In Australian F&B Products

Taste of Australia 2022 is an annual celebration to showcase the best of Australian food, building on its international reputation as a supplier of high-quality F&B products.
Agnes Alpuerto
Mr Shannon Leahy – Trade Commissioner, Austrade and Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy – General Director of BRG Retail.

Mr Shannon Leahy – Trade Commissioner, Austrade and Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy – General Director of BRG Retail.

Preparing for a steak or BBQ night on Friday? A quick stroll on any of the major retails BRG, Winmart, Mega Market, KingFood or Annam Gourmet in Vietnam will lead you to a selection of premium beef and lamb from Australia. With the Land Down Under’s global reputation for quality and safety in cattle growing and meat production, you can be assured that whatever cut you pick, you will be choosing unmatched quality.

Australia is one of Vietnam’s major suppliers of beef and lamb products. Accelerated by the removal of import tariffs for Australian products under the ASEAN-Australian-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement that ​​entered into force in January 2010, Australian products have seen an increasing demand among Vietnamese consumers in recent years.

Besides premium beef and lamb, Vietnam consumers can enjoy a growing range of Australian products from fresh fruits, dairy, seafood and beverages including a diverse range of sparkling, white and red wines. Cherries, citrus, table grapes, milk, yogurt, cheese, cereals and juices, rock lobsters, and abalone are just some of the beloved Australian products that have made it into Vietnamese stores, restaurants, and homes —from the breakfast table to the spotlight during special dinners.

“Vietnamese consumers increasingly demand clean, fresh, delicious products with premium quality and transparent origin regardless of if they eat out or at home. Australian suppliers can offer exactly what Vietnamese consumers want, which are: high-quality products from sustainable meat, delicious fruits, the finest dairy, and cereals to premium specialties of seafood,” said Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, General Director of BRG Retail.

Just recently, Vietnam received its first shipments of peaches and nectarines. After a five-year negotiation and the implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership in January, Australian exporters will be paying no tariffs on peach and nectarine exports to Vietnam. This access to the Vietnamese market is seen as a major boost to Australian exporters’ market diversification efforts and an undeniably palatable addition to the Australian fruit menu for Vietnam’s affluent consumers.

“Understanding Vietnamese consumers’ desires for food safety, health, and peace of mind, we are committed to facilitating trade connections between Australia and Vietnam to make these products available and accessible for Vietnamese consumers to enjoy”, said Mr. Shannon Leahy, Trade Commissioner, Australia Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).

In 2021, even amidst lockdowns in both nations, Vietnam and Australia reached a year-on-year rise of nearly 50% in trade turnover, amounting to US$12.4 billion. Imports from Australia stood at around US$7.95 billion, an annual increase of 70%. Vietnam became Australia’s 12th largest trading partner, whilst Australia was the country’s 10th biggest.

A ‘Taste of Australia’ in Vietnam

As Vietnam and Australia continue to celebrate a prospering bilateral relationship, flourishing trade, and equally vibrant culinary cultures, Vietnam marks Taste of Australia 2022 — an annual celebration to showcase the best of Australian food, building on Australia’s international reputation as a supplier of food and beverages that are high quality, safe and sustainable.

“Australia is home to world-class food and wine,” said Ms. Rebecca Ball, Senior Trade Commissioner at Austrade.

“Australia’s beef sector exports products for different markets and tastes worldwide, from premium beef varieties and specialty cuts to grass-fed, grain-fed and organic products. Australia also produces an abundance of the freshest, most sustainable seafood: Wild abalone, Atlantic salmon, rock lobster, and oyster. Australia is bursting with the freshest, juiciest citrus. From Murcott Mandarins from central Burnett in Queensland to navel oranges from Kinley in Victoria, we have more than 25,000 hectares of high-quality citrus, bringing plentiful off-season supply to the Northern Hemisphere. Our warm, dry summers and deep, rich soil also provide the perfect growing environment for table grapes. Using sustainable farming practices, Australia produces a variety of table grapes diverse in color and taste. Not least, Australia’s unique climate and landscape have fostered a fiercely independent wine scene, home to a vibrant community of growers, winemakers, viticulturists, and vignerons. With more than 100 grape varieties grown across 65 distinct wine regions, we have the freedom to make exceptional wine. With Taste of Australia, we want to share our best food and beverages with Vietnamese consumers,” Ms. Ball added.

This year’s program kicked off with a launch in Ho Chi Minh City on 20 April and will run through the month of June with a range of official events run by the Australian Embassy in Hanoi, the Australian Consulate-General in HCMC, and Austrade.

Taste of Australia 2022 has also partnered with up to 40 of the best restaurants and prestigious chefs from diverse culinary cultures in both Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City to highlight the versatility and first-class quality of true Australian produce, fresh fruits, and products in the local market.

Festive activities include Australian Happy Hour; Kids' cooking class; Big Aussie BBQ; an Australian-themed sparkling lunch buffet and a series of private tasting events to showcase Australian premium wines from three Wine Distributors in Vietnam. Promotional programs at the five biggest supermarket systems in Vietnam bring nearly 50 of Australia’s premium brands directly to Vietnamese consumers.

Vietnamese consumers can also explore the sophisticated, and versatile Australian products available in Vietnam through video series collaborating with a Melbourne-based Australian-Vietnamese chef Frank Pham, YouTube, and podcast series with Vietecera at the comfort of home.

Check out Taste of Australia 2022 major events:

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