Connecting Vietnam Brands To The World - Gijae Seong, Head of Global Selling, Amazon VN | VI S3 EP2
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Since joining Amazon at 2015, Gijae Seong has worked in Korea, Singapore and Vietnam. He was one of the first employees to set the foundation for Amazon in these countries. Currently, Seong is working as Amazon Head of Global Selling Vietnam, in charge of program development, seller account management, and seller recruiting for Amazon’s global e-commerce in Vietnam.
During two years of the pandemic with many challenges, Amazon Vietnam has gradually built a team whose goal is to help their partners exploit the potential of export via Amazon’s global marketplace to reach international customers more efficiently and quickly. In addition, Amazon also focuses on developing a Vietnamese-speaking seller centre, which provides knowledge on cross-border e-commerce and a global sales program.
What can we expect for Vietnam’s e-commerce industry, specifically cross-border e-commerce? Let’s tune in to listen and find out with host Hao Tran and our guest Gijae Seong in this episode of Vietnam Innovators!
You can listen to the audio version of this episode at:
► Website: https://share.vietcetera.com/3mLTuOk
► Apple Podcast: https://share.vietcetera.com/3zxZyS9
► Spotify: https://share.vietcetera.com/3NRCzWf
Gã khổng lồ" thương mại điện tử Amazon (https://sell.amazon.vn/) có mặt tại Việt Nam với chương trình Amazon Global Selling - đồng hành cùng hàng ngàn đối tác bán hàng Việt Nam vươn ra toàn cầu, tự hào giới thiệu sản phẩm Made-in-Vietnam đến hàng triệu khách hàng quốc tế, thúc đẩy nền kinh tế số Việt Nam bước vào giai đoạn mới.
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Since joining Amazon at 2015, Gijae Seong has worked in Korea, Singapore and Vietnam. He was one of the first employees to set the foundation for Amazon in these countries. Currently, Seong is working as Amazon Head of Global Selling Vietnam, in charge of program development, seller account management, and seller recruiting for Amazon’s global e-commerce in Vietnam.
During two years of the pandemic with many challenges, Amazon Vietnam has gradually built a team whose goal is to help their partners exploit the potential of export via Amazon’s global marketplace to reach international customers more efficiently and quickly. In addition, Amazon also focuses on developing a Vietnamese-speaking seller centre, which provides knowledge on cross-border e-commerce and a global sales program.
What can we expect for Vietnam’s e-commerce industry, specifically cross-border e-commerce? Let’s tune in to listen and find out with host Hao Tran and our guest Gijae Seong in this episode of Vietnam Innovators!
You can listen to the audio version of this episode at:
► Website: https://share.vietcetera.com/3mLTuOk
► Apple Podcast: https://share.vietcetera.com/3zxZyS9
► Spotify: https://share.vietcetera.com/3NRCzWf
Gã khổng lồ" thương mại điện tử Amazon (https://sell.amazon.vn/) có mặt tại Việt Nam với chương trình Amazon Global Selling - đồng hành cùng hàng ngàn đối tác bán hàng Việt Nam vươn ra toàn cầu, tự hào giới thiệu sản phẩm Made-in-Vietnam đến hàng triệu khách hàng quốc tế, thúc đẩy nền kinh tế số Việt Nam bước vào giai đoạn mới.
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